PLEASE READ - We'd like to take a minute to post some important reminders for our new and old fans.
1. Please stay in designated areas and trails. STAY OFF OF GREEN AREAS - GRASS AREAS AND GRASSY BERMS. They are an integral part of our conservation/erosion plan with PA DEP and the conservation office. There are plenty of play areas to run in and on. As a general rule, if it's green stay off of it.
2. NO GLASS - PERIOD - bring cans, this includes the camping area.
3. No Pets or fireworks
4. PLEASE DO NOT BURN PLASTIC, CANS, FOIL, ETC. IN YOUR CAMPFIRES. Wood and paper only. We have to go through every fire after every event to clean up things that do not burn. All fires must be extinguished when you are not at your camp and when you exit the park. Quiet time is 11:00-7:00. Stay up as long as you want, but please keep the noise down so others can sleep.
5. ATV's must have a helmet and 5' minimum flag.
6. UTV's must have a flag (children under 10 in UTV's must wear helmets).
7. NO ONE SHOULD BE ON FOOT IN ANY PIT AREA. Please stay on berms and designated spectator areas for your safety.
8. No passengers in the back of trucks. You may sit INSIDE THE BED for transportation between venues only.
9. Mud must be washed from all vehicles (driven or trailered) prior to leaving the park. The township does not want mud on the dirt road.
10. ENTERING THE PARK IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. We are not responsible for damage to vehicles, personal property or injury.
11. The Tank Trap is a ONE WAY VENUE. Please do not attempt to turn around and go back down. Tank trap is closed unless we are doing the competition.
12. Pressure washers - please do NOT POUND MUD off your vehicle with the wand. DO NOT LET THE WASHER RUN FOR MORE THAN ONE MINUTE WITHOUT DEPRESSING THE TRIGGER. It damages the machine.
Please pull hoses out of the way and turn machine off before exiting the wash area even if someone is waiting to use it.
13. Please don't litter. This especially applies on the trails. If you have carried it in - take it out and put it in a trash can. There are plenty of trash cans in the main part of the park.
14. Seat belts are required and open chassis vehicles must have a roll cage
15. No drinking and driving. Please use moderation.
This may seem like a lot of rules but most of them are for your safety and the safety of others. Than you for your help and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.,
Files coming soon.
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